Our mission is to conduct and share high-quality research on cannabis used for medical purposes in children informed by patients, parents, healthcare practitioners, policy makers, and the scientific community.

C4T is an academic research team made up of parents, doctors and scientists assembled to study medical cannabis in children. Our goal is to move cannabis use from the era of anecdote to evidence. C4T collaborates globally to study when and if medical cannabis can provide a safe and effective therapy for children.

Real-World Evidence on Medical Cannabis in Pediatrics

  • An observational study is a study in which researchers observe and gather data without directly intervening or manipulating any variables. These studies focus specifically on the use, safety, and effectiveness of a medication in real-world settings.

  • We are recruiting 500 youth across Canada for an observational study exploring the long-term safety and benefit of medical cannabis by children under the age of 18 years.

  • Parents/caregivers of any Canadian youth between the ages of 3 to 17 years old with a cannabis authorization from a health care provider and using medical cannabis for pain, sleep, mood, behaviour, seizures, treatment of or to manage symptoms related to cancer.

  • Parents/caregivers will complete an enrollment medical assessment questionnaire and online questionnaires sent by email at 3, 6, 12, and 18 weeks and 6, 12, 18, and 24 months.

  • Click on screening form to be directed to a screening questionnaire.

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