Reducing Harm in Pediatric Oncology
This free webinar hosted by the Canadian Collaborative for Childhood Cannabinoid Therapeutics (C4T) and MedCan Support. We recorded this live on Wednesday, November 23 2022 at 12:00pm CST.
This 90-minute panel discussion will include expert speakers including researchers, clinicians, and parents from Canada and Europe.
Expert speakers include Matt Hughes from MedCan Support, Dr. Dani Gordon from the UK Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society, as well as Tracy Brace and Drs. Sapna Oberoi and Rod Rassekh from C4T.
This panel discussion will be moderated by Dr. Lauren Kelly from C4T.
Questions from our panelists can be asked live by visiting and using event code: #ReducingHarm or by visiting this link
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Tag us: @C4T_Canada @MEDCANSupport @ukmccs
For more information on C4T, MedCan Support or the UK Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society please visit the websites below.
MedCan Support:
UK Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society: