
Building the Future of Cannabis Clinical Trials Using Real-World Evidence

This free webinar hosted by the Canadian Collaborative for Childhood Cannabinoid Therapeutics (C4T), MedCan Support and Drug Science was broadcast LIVE on Wednesday, April 27 2022 at 12:00pm CST.

This 90-minute panel discussion will include expert speakers including researchers, clinicians, and parents from Canada and Europe.

Expert speakers include Matt Hughes and Dr. Callie Seaman from MedCan Support, Dr. Anne Katrin Schalg from Drug Science, as well as Dr. Bruce Crooks, Dr. Jennifer Anderson, and Alexander Repetski from C4T.

This panel discussion will be moderated by Dr. Lauren Kelly from C4T.

Join the conversation on Twitter: #C4TMedCanDrugScience22 #TheFutureIsBright

Tag us: @C4T_Canada @MEDCANSupport @Drug_Science

For more information on C4T, MedCan Support or Drug Science please visit the websites below.

C4T: https://medcannkids.ca/

MedCan Support: https://medcansupport.co.uk/

Drug Science: https://drugscience.org.uk/


Reducing Harm in Pediatric Oncology